<aside> 🦄 Start Here

High-Level Summary

Onboarding Action Items

Introductions Template

Communication Summary

Making the Most of the Cohort

Weekly Workflow

Copy of Onboarding Emails

Article Ideas


<aside> 🦄 Most Used

Ethereum.org Writers Leaderboard

Leaderboard Update Form

📅 Link to Live Meetups via Luma

Meetup Recordings


<aside> 🦄 Weekly Workflow Summary

  1. Saturday: Send your new writing topic for the week to #writing-cohort and write a Bullet Draft
  2. Thursday: Publish your post, submit it via the Leaderboard Update Form, and share it in #writing-cohort and on social media
  3. Friday: Attend the Live Meetup and give feedback to others in #writing-cohort </aside>

<aside> 🦄 Resources

Cohort Resources

The Publishing Process (Template)

Feedback Guide

Feedback Exchange


Perspectives: A Taptive Publication

Joining Late? Catch Up Here…

