Hi there,

Welcome to the Glide Community Writers Cohort!

We’re so excited to get started on this journey.


✅ Next Steps Prior to Cohort Start:

  1. Join the Glide Community Slack Channel. Here’s an invite to the community
  2. Join the #writers channel and send an introduction using the ‣

🌎 Can’t wait to dive in? Explore more here:

  1. Explore our Notion home where you can find all cohort resources: Glide Community Writers Cohort
  2. Get familiar with the Weekly Workflow
  3. Read our guide on how you can Making the Most of the Cohort
  4. Start to brainstorm 3-5 potential writing topics using our writing framework: The Publishing Process (Template).

⚡️12 Writing Tips

As a supplement to the cohort onboarding emails, we’ll be sending a separate series of writing tips on Slack.

These tips will help you become a better writer.

However, you don’t need them to get started.

The most important part of the cohort is taking action and publishing!