Hi there,

Welcome to the Regen Guide Writer’s Cohort!

We’re so excited to get started on this journey.

The Regen Guide Writer’s Cohort is simple:

While the structure is simple, the impact is huge:


✅ Action Items Prior to Cohort Start:

  1. Complete the Regen Guide Writer’s Cohort Onboarding Survey
  2. Join the #regen-guide-writers-cohort channel and send an introduction using the introduction template: Introduction Template
  3. Join us at the Kickoff Meetup on Wednesday, June 14th at 10 AM ET
  4. Create a profile on your writing platform of choice. While we will ultimately publish our guides through Green Pill, we will first publish under our own names. Check out this post with the pros and cons of publishing on different platforms How To Choose Your Publishing Platform. Having trouble deciding? We recommend Substack.

🌎 Can’t wait to dive in? Explore more here:

  1. Explore our Notion home where you can find all cohort resources: Regen Guide Writer’s Cohort
  2. Get familiar with the Weekly Workflow
  3. Read our guide on Making the Most of the Cohort
  4. Check our writing framework to support your guide writing: The Publishing Process (Template)
  5. Read through theFAQs