When to write a Bullet Draft ⏳

“The Bullet Draft changed my life”

Cohort participants consistently cite the Bullet Draft as the most helpful writing tip we give. That quote is real!

But when is the best time to write a Bullet Draft?

First, a quick summary.

The Bullet Draft is a bulleted brainstorm to kick off the writing process and get ideas out of your head.

Here's how:

➤ Write a series of bullets about your topic in 10 min

➤ Draft your bullets as quickly as possible

➤ Do not edit, delete, or pause

The Bullet Draft is powerful because it allows you to put your thoughts on paper without judgment.

It allows you to transform ideas that are circling your mind into writing.

So when's the best time to do it? Write your Bullet Draft as soon as the inspiration hits

“Inspiration is perishable — act on it immediately.” - Naval Ravikant

If you have an idea of a topic you want to write about, write your Bullet Draft as soon as possible.